Moon Rabbit Rabbitry
Below are all of our currently available Rabbits and Bunnies! Here at Moon Rabbit Farms we "Shelve" our newborn rabbits. This means the day they are born we bring them inside and house them in a temprature controlled nuserey in our home. This is benifical for a number of reasons, baby bunnies often crawl or are pulled from the nest box when left with the doe. Often if this happens they will freeze or die as the mother will not put them back if the leave the warmth and safety of the nest. Mothers can also get stressed easily by a loud sound like fireworks or a neighbors lawnmower or even a barking dog. If she becomes frightened she can kill her babies as a defense tactic to try and keep her precived predators away. Pulling the babies also has the added benifit of giving us complete control of when and how long they nurse, this way we can be sure each kit is getting lots of milk every feeding. Our favorite part is that it makes our rabbits INCREDIBELY tame! Babies follow us around like puppy and run to climb in our laps.
All our baby bunnies will be fully weaned from milk and eating a mixture of pellets, hay, and fresh greens before they are listed here for sale. We also start training them to use a litter box from day one and let them free roam daily in the house making them wonderful house buns.We can give lots of advice on proper cages, food and grooming.
English Angora: These Rabbits are wonderful pets and can also be used to harvest fiber for various crafts or profit. Harvesting fiber is done by cutting the hair and does not harm the rabbit in any way, they are groomed from a very early age and it feels good to be brushed, air blown, or sheared. These buns are NOT good rabbits for beginners or people who do not have time EVERY DAY to brush or blow out their fur!
Below are some photos of Angoras Before and After a Groom. These buns were neglected and not groomed daily.

Please be sure you are ready to comit to the grooming needs of an Angora before buying a cute fluffy baby. They grow up, they get big, and they fur NEVER stops growing if you dont cut it. Think poodle grooming only worse as buns are usually not accepted in many grooming salons so you will need to do it youself or find a groomer willing to help you. We will take back ANY rabbit we sell if the buyer can no longer care for it NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
~ Available Rabbits ~

Chinchilla Flemish Giant Buck no Pedigree, $30

Black Tort English Angora Buck with Pedigree, $75